Three items of Very Good News!
1) $19,000 raised so far for the #EarthAmbassador campaign (see below)! Thanks to the donations received so far, through both GoFundMe and the Earth Island Institute project fund, our remaining goal is now $11K;
2) The deadline for meeting the new goal has been extended to June 30; and
3) A generous donor has committed a $5,000 matching donation for all gifts received now through our June 30th deadline. For every dollar donated another is received. Help us turn $5,000 into $10,000!
Please take this opportunity to double your donation today!
Please donate what you can through the Earth Ambassador GoFundMe page or via (please specify "Restoration Services" in the memo line.) Thank you for whatever support you can provide.
Marc McGinnes intends to serve as an “Earth Ambassador" for Earth Day 2020, for a term beginning in August of this year and lasting until the conclusion of the worldwide observances of Earth Day in April 2020 and their aftermath. It will be the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, and he's committed to doing all he can to make it the most consequential series of Earth Day events in history. His year-long service as an Earth Day 2020 Ambassador will include his work each day during the Fall 2019 Semester at Sea voyage, commencing in Amsterdam in September 2019, and ending in San Diego in December 2019. We invite and appreciate your support! We have only until June 11th (update: extended until June 30th!) to raise $30,000 (19K raised! $11K to go!) to cover the expenses of this project to reaffirm, reanimate, support and harness citizens around the world to stand up for the Earth.
"In Love with Earth" was featured with an author interview on the 805 podcast/radio show on KCRW entitled "New book follows the birth of the environmental movement"

(Image of the 1969 Santa Barbara Oil Spill at Ledbetter Beach. Photo credit: Community Environmental Council)
“Calling all Earth Angels: we're here just in time. Join me to take positive action for the planet we call home to inspire a global shift for this 50th Earth Day."
- Marc McGinnes -